Adopting a Holistic Approach to Combating Financial Crime: An Interview with Nicola Christofides, Assistant Director, Complyport

Nicola Christofides, Assistant Director of Compliance at Complyport, gave a recent interview with The Compliance Digest where she discussed adopting a holistic approach to combating financial crime. She tackles fraud, money laundering, cyber-crimes, and tech advancements, while offering plenty of tips on how to curtail these all.

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nicola_imgAbout Nicola Christofides

Nicola brings over 18 years of experience in Financial Services Regulation and Compliance. Prior to Complyport, Nicola worked at Barclays where she was a Senior Director in Compliance and Financial Crime leading large global teams specialising on Senior Managers Regime, Risk, Reporting and Governance. Nicola also had a long career at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) working in a number of departments including Policy, Enforcement and Authorisations, with her last role heading up Governance for the FCA, working closely with the ExCo and the Board.





About Complyport

Complyport is a market-leading consulting firm supporting the UK financial services industry for over 22 years. We specialise in providing Governance, Risk and Compliance services to support the regulated financial services industry to raise standards and thrive.

Complyport can assist with the preparation of a GAP analysis and impact assessment on the investment firm’s capital adequacy and risk management framework of the Company under the regulatory framework.

We specialise in supporting the UK financial services industry with compliance guidance, advice and best practice.

  • Financial Crime Risk and Compliance support
  • FCA and EU Authorisation Support
  • Operational resilience & Cybersecurity advice
  • Compliance managed services and resourcing compliance personnel
  • Skilled Person Reviews and Regulatory Investigation
  • Prudential support, IFPR, ICARA and financial resilience advice
  • Consumer Duty implementation advice
  • Financial Promotions guidance, support, and management software solutions
  • CASS advice and protections of client assets
  • Comprehensive compliance work-flow management software

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