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Product manufacturers, are increasingly required to meet new regulatory obligations in relation to the products they produce.  The development of the Consumer Duty and new considerations regarding Sustainability, such as the Sustainability Disclosure Regulations, has meant that the list of requirements placed on product manufactures is ever increasing.  

These requirements can be complex with implications on the entire business, including further obligations on business partners.

These requirements can be complex with implications on the entire business, including further obligations on business partners.  For instance, Consumer Duty implications on manufacturers who have retail client exposure has meant that they now have to assess and act to produce “good outcomes” with their products.  Furthermore, complying with the new Consumer Duty regulations has meant that the start of the product manufacturing phase, clear and specific communication is required down the distribution chain.   

How Complyport can help?

We have over 22 years’ experience helping firms understand and comply with complicated regulations. Lending services providers we support include:  

With extensive experience assisting product manufacturers in the UK and other regions, we possess specialized industry knowledge in areas such as:

  • Life Insurance
  • Funds
  • Pension Schemes
  • Insurance Companies
  • Lenders and
  • Funeral Plan Providers  

Our experienced team closely monitor and horizon scan the regulatory landscape and help our clients understand and meet new regulatory requirementsto maintain the highest levels of regulatory compliance and standards.  Our product manufacturer service offering includes: 

  • Assisting firms with the development of monitoring programmes and advising on the implementation and readiness of Consumer Duty regulations.   
  • Compliance support in navigating the FCA’s Sustainability requirements by offering comprehensive regulatory product and process reviews and tailored guidance on implementing the necessary systems and controls. 
  • Providing regulatory guidance to help clients involved in product manufacturing understand what regulatory rules they need to consider in line with PROD. 
  • Reviewing, developing, and implementing policies and procedures to ensure that they are up to date and in line with regulatory expectations, such as PROD and Consumer Duty.
Contact us for assistance

If you would like to know more about how we can help you with your product manufacturing arrangements or any other regulatory compliance issues, Complyport’s team of experts is here to help.