The Dark Underbelly of the Insurance Industry Exposed as FCA Sharpens Focus on Non-Financial Misconduct in the Insurance Sector

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has heightened its scrutiny of non-financial misconduct within the insurance industry. Conduct issues such as discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation have become a top priority for the Regulator, underscoring the importance of an inclusive and ethical workplace culture.

Regulatory Developments and Expectations

The FCA’s stance on non-financial misconduct has been unequivocal: “Non-financial misconduct is misconduct, plain and simple.” This position was reinforced in the Regulator’s joint consultation paper with the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) on Diversity and Inclusion in the Financial Sector, published in September 2023.

The proposed changes aim to strengthen the FCA’s ability to take enforcement action against individuals and firms involved in non-financial misconduct. Key proposals include:

  1. Fitness and Propriety: Firms must ensure that individuals in Senior Management Functions (SMFs) or Certification Functions are “fit and proper,” considering factors such as bullying, harassment and serious misconduct in their private lives.
  2. Code of Conduct: The FCA plans to expand the scope of the Code of Conduct Sourcebook (COCON) to explicitly classify serious instances of bullying, harassment and similar behaviour as a breach of the rules.
  3. Regulatory References: Guidance will be provided on how non-financial misconduct should be incorporated into regulatory references, ensuring transparency and accountability.

The “Sexism in the City” report by the Treasury Committee further highlighted the pervasive issues within the financial services industry, including the insurance sector, and called for robust regulatory action.

Insurance Market under the Spotlight

The FCA’s recent information-gathering exercise, targeting Lloyd’s Managing Agents, London Market Insurers, and intermediaries, underscores the Regulator’s commitment to tackling non-financial misconduct in the wholesale insurance market.

The request for data on incidents of non-financial misconduct, including their frequency, detection methods, outcomes and the use of non-disclosure agreements, aim to establish a baseline assessment and inform future supervisory work.

Implications for Insurance Firms

As the FCA intensifies its focus on non-financial misconduct, insurance firms must prioritise the following:

  1. Cultural Transformation: Fostering an inclusive and ethical workplace culture that promotes diversity, equality, and respect should be a top priority for senior leadership.
  2. Robust Policies and Procedures: Comprehensive policies and procedures addressing non-financial misconduct, including reporting mechanisms, investigation protocols and disciplinary measures, must be established and effectively implemented.
  3. Training and Awareness: Ongoing training and awareness campaigns are crucial to ensure that all employees, from front-line staff to senior management, understand the importance of creating an inclusive environment and the consequences of non-financial misconduct.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Insurance firms must ensure compliance with the FCA’s expectations and proposed regulations, including the incorporation of non-financial misconduct into fitness and propriety assessments, regulatory references and adherence to the Code of Conduct Sourcebook.

By proactively addressing non-financial misconduct and promoting a culture of integrity and inclusion, insurance firms can mitigate regulatory risks, enhance their reputation and foster a workplace environment that attracts and retains top talent.

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape

We understand the complexities and challenges involved in addressing non-financial misconduct within the insurance industry. Our team of subject matter experts provides tailored guidance and support to help insurance firms navigate the evolving regulatory landscape, implement best practices and cultivate a culture of ethics and inclusion.

  • Expert Advice: Our team of seasoned professionals provides tailored advice, helping you navigate the regulatory landscape and identify the most effective strategies tailored to the insurance industry.
  • Bespoke Training for Board Members: Effective DE&I initiatives start at the top. We offer bespoke training sessions for board members, ensuring they understand their role in promoting diversity and fostering an open and inclusive culture.
  • Strategic Planning: We work with you to develop a robust DE&I strategy that aligns with your business goals and the regulatory requirements set out by the regulator for the insurance industry. Our strategic planning services encompass everything from goal setting and action planning to performance tracking and reporting.
  • Policy Drafting and Disclosures: Clear, comprehensive policies are essential for driving change. We assist in drafting DE&I policies that reflect best practices and regulatory expectations for the insurance industry, as well as preparing transparent disclosures that demonstrate your commitment to stakeholders.

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